Entre Rios
Entre Rios
Entre Rios

Entre Rios

Imported by our friends at Balzac Brothers, this coffee hails from Aquiares in the Turrialba region of Costa Rica. As the largest Rainforest Alliance coffee farm in the country, Aquiares devotes 80% of the farm to growing coffee while the remaining 20% is dedicated to conservation. Coffee plots are interlaced with over a dozen natural springs and almost 20 kilometers in streams, all protected with buffer zones in line with the property's RA certification. These streams form a network of natural
corridors through the farm that connect the large protected forests in the two river valleys, providing a healthy environment for the local animals, birds, and plants.

With this coffee, the fully ripe cherries are brought to the mill where floaters are separated. The remaining fruit then gets loaded into stainless steel barrels, coffee Mosto is added, and the tanks get sealed. Temperature and PH are closely monitored and once the PH reaches 4.3, the fruit is removed and sun dried for 10 days.

We're amazed by how fragrant this coffee is. Upon opening the bag, you'll be greeted by intense fruity aromas. We taste strawberry jam and sparkling lime soda.

Origin ~ Turrialba, Costa Rica

Process ~ Anaerobic Natural

Varietal ~ Marsellesa & Red Obsta

Regular price$48.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

All coffee will be shipped in 1-2 business days from order and will have a roast date no older than one week from ship date.

If you buy a bag of Highfalutin Coffee and are unsatisfied, shoot us an email and we'll buy you a bag of coffee of equal or lesser value from your favorite roaster. Yes, we're serious.


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